Photo: Martti Särkkä
Photo: Martti Särkkä

  • Clinical psychologist, PsM, Master of Psychology

  • Trauma psychotherapist

  • EMDR therapist

  • 2-year expert training in the psychology of somatic pain

  • Level I of sensorimotor psychotherapy

  • Adult educator's pedagogical studies (teacher qualification)

  • Valvira and Kela qualifications, Kela rehabilitation psychotherapy service provider. Valvira's registration number: 00901412601 (

Peer-reviewed publications


G. Price, I. Holloway, P. Räsänen, M. Vesterinen, D. Ansari. Impaired parietal magnitude processing in developmental dyscalculia. Current Biology, Volume 17, Issue 24, Pages R1042-R1043


Lyytinen, H., Guttorm, T., Huttunen, T., Hämäläinen, J., Leppänen, P.H.T., Vesterinen, M. Psychophysiology of developmental dyslexia: a review of findings including studies of children at risk for dyslexia.Journal of Neurolinguistics. 2005; 18:167-195.

Other publications


Timo Teräsahjo ja Manu Vesterinen: Mitä on toipuminen? Tunne & Mieli -lehti, 5/2022.


Paavo H. T. Leppänen, Mikko Aro, Jarmo Hämäläinen, Manu Vesterinen: Dysleksia – kehityksellinen lukemisen vaikeus. Kappale kirjassa Mieli ja aivot (toim. Heikki Hämäläinen, Matti Laine, Olli Aaltonen ja Antti Revonsuo) Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, 2006



I have worked as a psychologist for a little over twenty years. I have mainly spent my working career in various psychiatric departments and outpatient clinics. For a few years I was also involved in an international brain research project, which investigated the neural basis of developmental learning difficulties. 

I have been working as a full-time trauma psychotherapist since 2020. 

I enjoy learning all kinds of new things and exploring new worlds. At the moment, I am starting to study the use of hypnosis in the treatment of psychological traumas (Tieteellinen hypnoosi ry). However, all my work is based on a solid basic education as a clinical psychologist and trauma psychotherapist and two decades of work experience in mental health work. 

I spend my free time hiking and taking nature photos, immersing myself in books and marveling at this ever-again surprising diversity of life. It would still be a dream to one day have an old van built into a decent camper van and drive to the shores of the Arctic Ocean to meet puffins. However, even before that, next summer, I will cycle from Jyväskylä to Paris in Team Rynkeby's Järvi-Suomi group to support children with cancer.